Tuesday 22 May 2018

4 mistakes that deprives you from finding your purpose

Image result for mistakes

1. The "But I Love It" Mistake
Image result for oneFor a few years, I was involved in music. I was a choir director, and I played the piano. I noticed that when our choir got ready to sing, people got more blessed out of me introducing the song and talking about the song than they did from the song itself. Gradually I began to realize that the tail was wagging the dog. I love music to this day, and I have a fairly good understanding of music and theory and how they operate. But that's not why I'm here on earth.
Just because you admire something doesn't mean it's your purpose. Don't let yourself be distracted by something that should be a hobby. If you, like me, enjoy music, that doesn't necessarily mean you should be the one directing the song. Buy some CDs or enjoy music on your headset, just don't let it take your focus.

2. The "But That Drives Me Crazy" Mistake
Related imageUsually, when things drive us crazy, we're taught to walk away or ignore them. But sometimes it can help to take a closer look. For example, if somebody does something incorrectly, and their error drives us crazy, we shouldn't criticize the person—we should look at what our inability to tolerate their error can show us. What you cannot stand to see done badly is exactly where you ought to work. If you can't stand it when the church programs are done incorrectly or when the invitations are not sent out in time—if you want things in order—maybe you should consider working in an area of administration.
Other people might not even be bothered by these things, but your inability to put up with anything less than excellence means that you have an interest there. You need to recognize, "This is an area I have passion about."

3. The "But My Dad Told Me to..." Mistake
Image result for threeSometimes your purpose may be totally opposite to the preparation of your life. It may be that you got a degree in one thing, but it's not fulfilling to you because it's not the thing that you were really created to do. It may be that your family and friends have misdirected you to where they have a need. So your education, your background, your circumstances, your job end up restricting you from finding your fulfillment.
This happened to me. My father owned a janitorial service, and it was his dream for us to own another family business together. As an adult, my brother started a windows-and-siding company and invited me to be a part of the it, but when I tried to twist myself into what my family wanted me to be, the business ultimately failed. I had substituted everyone's happiness for my own, trying to live up to my brother's dreams because I loved him and trying to live up to my father's expectations. But in reality, my purpose was in a completely different arena than anything they could have imagined.
This happens to so many of us. Every day at work, you might be like Jonah in the story in Bible, right when the ship hits a storm. Jonah knew, "I'm really going in the wrong direction. I'm going into the mouth of a whale." You know the exact same thing. You have to have the courage to withstand other people's opinions and ideas and to flow into your own purpose.

4. The "Do Something—Anything" Mistake
Related imageThe lives we lead do not always lend time for inner reflection. We're so busy that we don't make space for prayer, for mediation. We don't really examine. We throw ourselves into this busy-ness so deeply that we don't take the time to pause for even a Sabbath, if you will.
Everything else in creation has a Sabbath—a winter, a season of not being fruitful. But we're afraid of this. Look at fruit trees: They give up the winter for the spring. It's not healthy for livestock to produce all year long. We're so busy spitting out project after project after project that we don't give ourselves a chance to heal and restore and reflect and really find our internal heartbeat.
It can be hard at first to identify that internal heartbeat, but recognizing it determines what will give you fulfillment and gratification. Think of it as an inward applause for every moment where you feel in harmony with yourself, and when you hear it—be it loud and clear or soft and slightly muffled—you'll know exactly what it is and what you're meant to do


Monday 21 May 2018


Image result for CAR SMOKES OUT HD IMAGE
Boom! goes the ride
the one you waited for till u backslide,
you thought you could buy a car to ride,
so you ignored your long awaited ride.

You used to be Godly inclined
but the friends you choose
got you worldly inclined
thus, your excuse for faliur, goes
"I couldn't decline"


You couldn't decline or
you couldn't decide
to stay on the Godly side
...so you backslide?


Friday 26 January 2018


I know what is right, you know what is right, but why do we do wrong things, why do we choose to settle in a dark mud house when we have access to a lightened mansion………
The choice you make today will “bake” your future.... Some say the fence is a better place to stay // but I assure you, you can’t stand on the fence.
You are either black or white,
Good or bad,
Right or wrong,
Nice or hostile,
Good or evil,
The first or among the rest,
………….so choose,,,, choose with God directing your path. Don’t hesitate to move forward because you don’t want to move backward, like boss would say “making new mistake is better than continuous errors, so take the risk for a better day, ‘cause that is the KEY”.

Saturday 13 January 2018

A year out of this site was like a century to me. though this place means a lot to me me but i got involved in something more prior than 'here'.

In as much i could not not come here, i could also not afford to lose a day with my present involvement. It may not be easy to make it up to you  all but i will certainly try my best to.


Welcome to a new day, a new month, and a new year.
Make sure you don't thinking about last year& try as much
 as possible to make someone smile everyday,it will certainly
 go a long way in helping you in your every day activities..........

M    E   D    I   A

"spread the LOVE, not the virus"

merry Christmas in arrears and a happy new year.

and sorry it is coming this late

Sunday 15 January 2017

i knew what u were facing, i was just waiting for you to come to me

A young boy once got a pencil from his father who also helped him in sharpening it. his father advised him to be careful with it so as to maintain it. One day, out of excessive play and lack of concentration,he broke the sharpened edge of the pencil. he was ashamed and afraid to meet his father to seek help from him so he went to a friend who helped him diminish the length of the pencil by sharpening it without experience for him.
his father later called him to ask if he had any problem but he said NO. he kept on using the pencil to his discomfort , which in turn damaged his book and made him slow in class. He could no longer bear the pain, so he decided to tell his father and also apologize to him.
these were what his father said after he had listened
"i knew what u were facing, i was just waiting for you to come to me"

So is our heavenly father, he knows what we are facing..... we just need to introduce him to those situations

Until he comes to take us home, live to please no man but God

proudly pedia

photo credit: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M29e65eb3746b0939b8988251d74e69d4o0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=300&h=300

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Never be forced to GIVE

A priest requested for fund raising to build a church. then the
congregation contributed 30thousand only. Immediately after, thieves
entered and held the church under siege and ordered everyone to hand
out everything in their pockets. They gathered 8million, 2hundred
thousands and 50cents. Later, the thieves gave the cash to the priest
in order to fund the church building project. Who has committed sin
between the thieves and the church congregation?. S
😅 can't stop laughing....

Wednesday 28 September 2016


Billy Graham's  daughter was interviewed on the  Early Show and  Jane
Clayson asked her "How could God let  something like this happen?"
(regarding the  attacks on Sept. 11).  Anne Graham gave  an extremely
profound and insightful  response. She said "I believe God is deeply
saddened by  this, just as we are, but for years we've been  telling
God to get out of our schools, to get  out of our government and to
get  out of our  lives.  And being the  gentleman He is, I believe He
has  calmly backed out.  How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us  alone?"  In light of recent  events...terrorists attack, school shootings, etc. I think it started when Madeleine  Murray O'Hare (she  was murdered, her body found recently)  complained she didn't want prayer in our
schools, and we said OK.  Then someone said  you better not read the Bible in school .... the  Bible says thou shalt not kill,  thou shalt not  steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we  said OK. Then
Dr. Benjamin  Spock said we shouldn't spank our children  when they misbehave  because their  little personalities would be  warped and we might damage their self-esteem  (Dr. Spock's son  committed suicide). We said an expert should know  what he's talking about. And we said OK.  Now we're asking  ourselves why our children  have no conscience, why they don't know right  from wrong, and  why it doesn't
bother them to kill strangers,  their classmates, and themselves. Probably, if we  think about it long and hard  enough, we can  figure out. I think it has a  great deal to do  with "WE REAP WHAT WE SOW."  Funny how simple  it is for people to trash God  and then wonder  why the world's going to hell. Funny how we  believe what the newspapers say,  but question what  the Bible says.  Funny how you can  send 'jokes' through e-mail  and they spread  like wildfire but when you start  sending messages  regarding the Lord, people think twice
about  sharing.  Funny how lewd,  crude, vulgar and obscene  articles
pass  freely through cyberspace, but  public discussion  of God is suppressed in the  school and  workplace.  Are you  laughing?  Funny how when you  forward this message, you  will not send it  to many on
your address list  because you're not  sure what they believe, or what they WILL  think,  of you for sending it. Funny how we can  be more worried about what  other people think  of us than what God thinks of
us.  Pass it on if you  think it has merit. If not  then just discard it... no  one will know  you did. But, if  you discard this thought process, don't sit  back and complain  about what bad  shape the world
is in. God bless you as you share it with friends. No Nation or people can ever survive or succeed without Jesus Christ.
