Friday 26 January 2018


I know what is right, you know what is right, but why do we do wrong things, why do we choose to settle in a dark mud house when we have access to a lightened mansion………
The choice you make today will “bake” your future.... Some say the fence is a better place to stay // but I assure you, you can’t stand on the fence.
You are either black or white,
Good or bad,
Right or wrong,
Nice or hostile,
Good or evil,
The first or among the rest,
………….so choose,,,, choose with God directing your path. Don’t hesitate to move forward because you don’t want to move backward, like boss would say “making new mistake is better than continuous errors, so take the risk for a better day, ‘cause that is the KEY”.

Saturday 13 January 2018

A year out of this site was like a century to me. though this place means a lot to me me but i got involved in something more prior than 'here'.

In as much i could not not come here, i could also not afford to lose a day with my present involvement. It may not be easy to make it up to you  all but i will certainly try my best to.


Welcome to a new day, a new month, and a new year.
Make sure you don't thinking about last year& try as much
 as possible to make someone smile everyday,it will certainly
 go a long way in helping you in your every day activities..........

M    E   D    I   A

"spread the LOVE, not the virus"

merry Christmas in arrears and a happy new year.

and sorry it is coming this late