Tuesday 27 October 2015


"Praying without bible reference " : No true spirituality can ever exceed the eternal principles of the written words of God. When you begin to pray your mind, you will be using empty words. Don't pray your mind, pray the words of God. A brother said he is praying to God thus " O God, i am tired of this life, kill me by yourself ". When someone continually pray this way, God won't kill you because he is not a killer by nature but only kills as an act righteousness when he judges. When You are praying outside the bible, the devil will move in to answer your petition. A lot of christian have turned into pentecostal witch-doctor. Many prophet's have become sorcerers. When they are praying outside the word, their prayers will be received by elemental spirit for performance. Listen to this, you must first find scriptural verses that promise you what you want. If you can't find and you went ahead praying like machine gun without birthing your prayers with the scriptures, you are simply doing another form of reformed pentecostal invocation. You see, using the name of Jesus is not a guarantee of answer. Their is a principle in the name of Jesus. The principles of the word of God is the name of God. Psalm 119:89 " Forever, O LORD, your word is settled in heaven". Listen to this, prayers is not just initiating the answer, it is activating the settled answer. A sister prayed and prayed to know if a man proposing to marry her is the will of God. She saw nothing and receive nothing from God. This was because she was praying without the scriptures. All the x y z of all spiritual and physical blessings are tabulated in the word of God. It is completed in the name of Jesus.

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